Cloud Reviews 360 (CR360) is a cloud-based platform for standards compliance appraisal, procedures reporting & continuous professional development. We have loaded it with templates to help organisations manage and monitor their COVID 19 responses.
Standards Appraisals
Professional Compliance
Continuous Learning / Collaboration
Goal Setting and Task Monitoring
Internal / External Supervision & Auditing
CPD Point Tracking

Reflect on and record evidence of compliance progress against industry organisation & professional standards.
Invite 360 appraisals, comments and feedback. Monitor in real time.

Respond sooner & achieve objectives by creating ISMART goals & prioritising tasks. Track real time progress, get feedback and be coached online.

Log Learning
Build an archive of evidence-based records by logging learning activities. Link documents & track hours/credits earned.

Make Resumes
Users can store work experience, qualifications and accomplishments. Create custom resumes & cover letters. Send and track job applications.
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Link everything together.
Invite, give and receive performance feedback from peers, supervisors, students and coaches.
Who is it for?
Cloud Reviews 360 (CR360) is essential for any organisation required to meet industry standards or track practitioner Continuing Professional Development (CPD) participation. It satisfies both employee and organisational needs.
Aged Care, Disablity, Health
Government & NFP's
Some Awards we’ve received…

Infrastructure & Platforms innovation, Merit Award

Education Award WINNER.

Applications, Tools & Platforms Award WINNER.
Whether you want to encourage professional development, stay compliant or manage team performance, CR360 simplifies it all into one innovative cloud platform!
Satisfied Customers
“The amount of paperwork that it has already cut down on has been greatly appreciated by everyone, both from an environmental standpoint and a time factor.”
“The application seamlessly enables professional discussion, discernment, and planning, leading to enhanced professional practice and culture.”